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Hello i realy love your backgrounds and use some of them in my future visual novel game, i add  your name/pages in my credits space <3

Wanted to share our team's Finnish Game Jam game where we used mostly your backgrounds.

Appreciate them! ^^


Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I used one of your backgrounds in my game for the O2A2 game jam:

Thank you so much for sharing your resources!!

Used once again! Thanks as always


Hi NoranekoGames! I used your assets on my yuri visual novel

thank you for such amazing assets


Hi NoranekoGames!

I just found out about this wonderful background collection of yours, and I would like to use them for current and future mods I'm working on for the visual novel known as Doki Doki Literature Club. Needless to say of course, if I use any of your backgrounds, I will give you proper credit ^^


I used this in my visual novel, these are really great backgrounds and I really appreciate the way you're making them free to use!


NoranekoGames, I'm using aiko, and the backgrounds for a yandere type game for gamejolt that will be free. I will credit you in the gamejolt description and in the game. Thank you for your amazing free assets to use. I'll make a visual novel using renpy.


Hey Noraneko, I used some of your  backgrounds for my new game for a Spooktober jam!!!

Feel free to check it out when you get the chance

Thank you so much, I hope you like the game n.n 

- Cafrud


Hey Noraneko,

I used some of your old backgrounds on my page for my audio drama.

Feel free to check it out when you get the chance~


-Little Missy Otome

I used it in my VN test game



Thanks so much for this! I didn't even know where to start in terms of stuff like this I'm not a drawer so stuff like this is difficult for me. You're a lifesaver lol.


I used your background in my visual novel for the Ukrainian Visual Novel Jam.

The language is Ukrainian, unfortunately I will not translate it into English.

 Thank you for your work. (Credit in the in-game credits).


Hello! I want to thank you so much for making this beautiful background! I used them in my demo VN here


Thank you so much for these! Making good backgrounds is really difficult, keep up the amazing work!

Used them in my VN!


Thank you so much for linking your VN! I will play it soon!


Amazing backgrounds! I haven't used any of them yet but they almost make me want to rewrite my VN just to use them.
Please NoranekoGames -san give us some medieval/fantasy backgrounds <3 


These are nice. Imma use these. The game will pop up on my page someday. SO if you want to check it out... (shameless plug)

Oh, I will keep an eye out for it! Feel free to link it here as well to plug your work even more~!


Noraneko, even though I haven't used those backgrounds yet, they look absolutely fantastic! Would it be possible to also do some CGs as well?

Thank you so much!
Do you have any specific CGs in mind?

I don't know, but I imagine they should represent a student's everyday life, with all the troubles and good moments. For example, one of your characters could weep over the loss of a friend, while another enjoys the breeze on the school's rooftop.

Hey Noranekogames! Me and my team used your background in our VN


Thank you for providing them!!!

Hi Norenko, we are a small games and software studio where we are currently developing a new free visual engine for Visual Novels and Adventure games. I see you produced some wonderful contents, may I ask if we could include some of your packs as assets for the engine examples?

If yes please let us know where and how do you want us to includes credits about you, and please dont hesitate to contact us or reply us for any questions.

Thank you very much in advance

K-Storm-Studio Ltd.

Hello! Thank you for contacting me!
This is okay as long as it follows the rules. I also would not want my assets resold as add-on content, however, so please make sure that they are free to use for anyone who uses your program (It's okay if your base program costs money to use.)
As for credits, if you can credit me in a credits section, a place where the game is downloaded, or even a text file accompanying the program if it is download- Any one of those is fine! If you have any other ideas for where to credit, feel free to run them by me. I just want it to be findable if someone were to look.

Thank you and good luck with your project! Feel free to link it here when you are finished (if you want) so that people can see it!

Hi Noraneko and thank you so much for your reply.

Ok so, as per request we are crediting you in the credit section of the program (just like in Photoshop - > About Photoshop). Our software will be released for free. Further we plan to have our new website portal soon where we can even mention you. In the near future every creators will be also available to sold r distribute their assets through our website, if you like it, that is another way to share your content to a targeted audience.

Please let us know if the everythings is suitable for you.

Thank you very very much,

we will share our engine even here soon :)

Do you want us to credit you as "Noraneko" or "NoranekoGames"?


Yes! This way of crediting is fine and within the rules! Thank you for all of the information!
And NoranekoGames is how I would prefer to be credited. 
I can't wait to see your engine!

Thank you very much Noraneko :) We get in touch soon to show you up everything :)

Thank you for what you're doing.

Very impressive set! Are the BGs made from 3D models?  Is that something you would be willing to share as well? I'm working on an unreal project that can make use of 3D models.  I would be very interested!  Hope you have a great day! :)

I'm sorry to say that they aren't made from 3D models but instead photos (Most of which I personally took) that I've drawn over. So I'm afraid I won't be of any help to your project! Sorry for any inconvenience! 

No worries! Also thank you for the reply! 

Dear Noraneko, 

I am a programming teacher in a private academy and I wonder if is it possible to use your assets to teach my students how to develop a little framework to manage a simple visual novel with Python.

It wont be nothing serious, just a dialogue system with a background and character renderer.  Your assets are so nice and I am interested to use them as placeholders in my lessons to give them an artistic touch.

Obviously I would credit all your work.

Thank you.

Absolutely! I'd be happy if my assets could be helpful in a situation like this
I hope that you and your class will have a lot of fun with your projects!

Thank you! I really appreciate it!

(1 edit)

Hi! I created a visual novel on mental health using packs 1 and 2. They were very useful I especially like that there are different versions of the same background (e.g. night and day). Thank you for sharing your work! Here is my game:

Hello! I just wanted to compliment you on these BEAUTIFUL backgrounds. I am so excited to start my project, and you have given me the tools to start! Thank you so so much and OF COURSE I will credit you. you are so talented!!!! 


THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I really needed backgrounds urgently and these saved my life. They're so high quality too, I can't believe you're giving them out for free?? I really appreciate your work Noraneko~


You really saved my life! I was looking for this kind of stuff and I saw your work.

I downloaded one of the packs and... GOD! Everything is exactly what I was looking for... this WHOLE time!

You are incredible! <3

The type of game I'm going to do it's a VN. Maybe the game or a demo, will be out next year. 

Because, I'm still looking for everything I need... And I'm currently looking/working on other things, that will be part of the game.

But, when I start to piece everything together... I will make SURE to give you credits for the magnificent work!

I'm really glad to hear that I was able to provide you with resources that work so well for you!
I'm wishing you the best of luck with your project, please feel free to share it here when you're done! I'd love to see it!

So nice. I hope you will be success.

Thanks ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡

Hello, awesome work friend! I'll be updating some of the background I use on my game with your excellent work!

Since you asked this is the link to the game I'm making
Kamigami: The Battle of the Gods no Steam (

I made a donation for you friend, and when I release it, I can also send a key to my game if you wish to play it :).

The credit in-game I'll make it for last, but I won't forget to add it there haha.

This game looks super cute!! I'm glad that I could be of help and I'm wishing you all the luck on your project!


Hi Noraneko! I recently made a visual novel, like this one still in beta, and I'm not good at making funds, I used some of yours and I wanted to thank you! I wish with all my heart that I do well enough to hire you, because I really like your style <3

I leave you the link where the game is, it is in Spanish but anyway I wanted to thank you and show you. Have a nice day!

thank you!! You are my savior! May I ask if there is any way for me to contact you? I want to ask about making visual novel if you don't mind. Of course it's fine if you don't want to

I have a twitter that you can DM me on: @NoranekoGames
This is the best way to contact me right now but if you don't have twitter, let me know and I can give you an alternative way

thank you so much for replying to me, but I don't use Twitter so I would really appreciate it if u would give me an alternative way to contact you!

Sorry for the late reply!
You can contact me through email at "".  Although I don't normally check this email, I will be on the lookout for any message you send.


Hello, I've used your backgrounds in my game. Thank you so much for providing them. They look great!

Can I use it to make a game for sale? It's a free build type.
can be made for sale

Sorry for the late reply, I must have missed this comment!
As long as you're selling a game and not the backgrounds themselves as well as following the rules, this should be fine!


True heroes. <3


I used this asset again in my new VN.
I put your credits on game and in the game page

Thank you for this amazing pieces, really.

Thank you so much for letting me know; I'm glad you found a use for my backgrounds!
Is it okay to share a link to your project on social media to promote it?

Btw, your page for the game is so pretty! I love how you set it up.


Of course! I would be more than happy!

About the page, thank you very much. I really spent a lot of time working on it and I'm glad it was worth it. <3

Hey, I'd like to use this for my first Visual Novel, which Will be sold for 4-5 dollars as I plan on TRYING to get an artist to work with me for character art and I don't wanna leave them unpaid. Do you mind if I do this? I kinda found this randomly and I don't exactly know how to contact you besides here.

Thank you for contacting me!
This sounds absolutely fine!
If you can just reply when it's published letting me know where the credit is, that would be perfect. I only ask because a lot of people opt to put it in the credits in game or in a text file upon purchasing the game and the paywall might make it difficult for me to find.  Alternatively, if the credit is on the page where the game is downloaded and I can see it without purchase, you don't need to report anything back here.
And optionally, if you post the link to your VN here,, I'd love to help you get some views and possible customers!

In any case, good luck with your project! I hope your first Visual Novel goes smoothly and I look forward to seeing it!

(1 edit)

Thank you! I'll credit you both on the page AND ingame incase People don't read the credits on the game page. I've done that second thing before, where I'll get a game either for free or from a bundle I bought, and I'll read a bit of what the game is about before downloading it to make sure I like it, but I won't read the credits on the page if they're on there.

Edit: Forgot to mention this, but I kinda found a few other backgrounds that I'll use too since they can also be used in commercial projects, BUT I'll still use these for scenes that the other backgrounds I have don't work for. Both are useful to me!

Wow your backgrounds are so great! I'm making a visual novel for my own personal use and I'll be sure to credit to you! Thanks a lot!! :)

I love your backgrounds they really put the right mood. They are also in right proportions and the executions and the colours are also pretty great. Good work. Thank you for releasing them!

Olá, irei usar os fundos, para um projeto de um jogo que quero fazer, será apenas um teste, não sei se quando ele estiver pronto eu irei lançá-lo, mas com certeza irei dar os créditos a você. Provavelmente eu irei usar em projetos futuros, estou feliz por ter encontrados estes fundos, eles são lindos e adorarei usá-los em meu jogo. Obrigada Noraneko, mal posso esperar para usar os backgrounds!!!

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